Friday, 25 November 2016

The lure of limitation.

Dogs are partially colorblind. They do not see the same spectrum range of colors as we do.


The rainbow, made of the intricate fine merging between the colors of the electromagnetic spectrum which we often witness, which we cherish and celebrate, which is captured and won awards for, which is studied, explained and myth-ed about, doesn't really exist for a dog. They can not see or imagine rainbows.

Which means, whatever exists and is possible for us, absolutely doesn't exist for some organisms.
If a dog said it saw a rainbow, it would be taken to be eccentric, in its own world. If a butterfly heard that humans live for decades after decades as compared to its 6-8 weeks lifespan, it would ridicule us. However, the fact that one doesn't see or hold a proof for something relative to their own self, doesn't deny the fact that it doesn't exist. Rather, the sheer brilliance of limitations.

With our limitation of the electromagnetic range, we get to experience the nuances the colors portray! Doesn't this situation apply to all of us as well? What if time is actually a certain something, like the rainbow for us is a certain something for the dogs, what if some other being could actually see time, break it, feel it and even stop it? What if magic exists? What if our thoughts, our random dreams aren't just psychological, rather physically existent?

How can we base the absolute truth relative, ONLY to our limitations?
Our limitation with respect to vision, senses, mind, voice and body?
If a rainbow doesn't exist for a dog, doesn't mean it isn't present.
If a plethora of things aren't visible but just felt, doesn't mean it isn't present.
If a species called homo sapiens doesn't believe in magic, doesn't mean it isn't present.

The lure of limitation.
The gift of limitation.
The tenderness of limitation.

 © Deekshita Srinivas
    19:41 pm
     Amazed by limitations. 

1 comment:

  1. Why put a limitation on how much you can express yourself too.. Keep at it 😃🙂
