Wednesday, 16 November 2016

Swept off my feet. Yet again.

You know those moments when one is in absolute awe.
Not the oh-good-awe.
Rather, the I-have-no-idea-where-this-is-taking-me-I-am-done-and-owned-awe.

Who does that to me?
The sky and its companions, yes.The colors that kick off routine, yes.The beginning of a smile, yes.
The hug from a loved one, yes.The postcard traveling miles to reach me, yes. The magic of everything, yes.The pause between chaos, yes.The strangers and their stories, yes.
The universe and people's little adorable nuances, yes.

But guess who it was today?
Time and again.
In the deepest of deep and the highest of high.
In an epitome that I surrendered to.
Of the blue skies and green forest.

It was the oldest Dravidian Language.
Yet again.
Like the prey being swallowed whole by a snake. Like the complete acceptance.
I am done and taken. By this beautiful language. Amidst the work to do, lesson to complete, people to respond to, grin at the sky, attend to the November breeze, the mind conflict half discussed, the story yet to tell, here I am, ranting about the language, hearing to what led me here.

And remember my obession with certain words from languages I barely know or am fluent in?
The latest addition is surprisingly a word that wraps itself with a couple of events.
First, a terrible event that breaks me.
Now, a musical brilliance that I have fallen in love with a few hours ago and still keeps me stunned.

Aval (அவள்)

The sound of it, delicately intimate and bearingly overwhelming. 

I can't read/write this language.
But what do I do?
It is working its magic on me and there seems to be no escape.
Absolutely, breathtakingly, overwhelmingly, comfortingly no escape.
Things find their way to me, and their timing? Impeccable.
Tamizh found its way to me today. Again.
Even the light inside the green bottle of happiness, even the pebbles gracing off shine, even the letters yet to be opened, seem slightly dull at this moment.

To everything else, that shall find its way to me, I hope and I promise, I will try and admire you on par with this moment. But for now, tamizh wins hands down.

To, shifting my attention from all the terrible things floating around.
To,the poetic brilliance and charm it carries.

To, Tamizhum Naanum. :)

 © Deekshita Srinivas

    hoping, rather craving to wake up with a super power which helps me read, write and           understand each and every language that exists. 
    19:29 pm

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