Wednesday, 23 July 2014

The Sisters : Fate, Coincidence And Luck

The events of the past few days have given a brilliant opportunity to both of them to think about these three sister factors : Fate, Coincidence And Luck.

Fate might have put her into contact a classmate of a decade long gone by. He however underwent a complete metamorphosis in the years gone by and became a mirror image of her. As Justin Timberlake rightly put it "It's like you're my mirror , my mirror staring back at me". Maybe the first time realization dawned that songs are nothing more than a way of putting through emotions and situations. It was a time when the cortex buzzed with understanding. That 5 or 6 minutes were something that could be related to their situation. A smile on the face they adorned the rest of the day, leading some to conclude that insanity had set in.
"Their minds were on another track..A track never trodden by these feet...A track leading to an unknown place." - The similar soul

Coincidence might explain some events too. A very chatty person , similar likes and dislikes , similar opinions and ideas... Does there exist a Divine Xerox machine that copies a person's uniqueness ? Because if it does..It might be the only possible answer to all these "coincidences" that have been chanced upon in a short span of time. Talking about coincidence... The only question buzzing through this mind is " To be or not to be ? " . One rarely chances upon something so thought provoking and yet so crisply said in six words.It is often that she thinks " He maybe admitted into another department but it is for sure that this friendship will last more than the four years study usually lasts".

It may be left to Luck to owe up to her faults ; making the person get the same area of study, making sure he's like the self. It is unto this that he looks inwards and often thinks "Is this luck or was this meant to be?". A decade gone by and this person becomes a part of daily life. How often does that happen to you? Luckily enough he was kind enough to leave behind some spontaneous quotes for her to ponder upon..Hopes are that it will set your grey matter abuzz.

"You know yourself, hence you know me" - On similarities and understanding each other's minds.
"He taught me art, the art of the mind" - On learning psychology
Said he " She be like a box of chocolates, full of treats and happiness once opened" - On understanding the feminine mind
"Life is a pandora's box of surprises" - On life in general

The only hope is that these would have set your minds into thought and you would be able to express infinite gratitude to these three sisters for your life.

The author leaves with these words
"For men may come and men may go ,
But I go on forever"
-The Brook,
Alfred Lord Tennyson

Appreciate life and live it to the fullest. Because life doth bring thee surprises, learn to unravel them and be surprised. Most of all, enjoy the unpredictability of life because that is what makes it worth living.

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