Being the first child has its own sweet blessings, you know? You get pampered, loved unconditionally and all your tantrums and desires are fulfilled even before you are sure of it. Well, just my luck, I am a first child too.
A pampered, spoilt (love-spoilt-sensitive-dependent), overly emotional first child.
Right from the time you ever stepped on this planet, not literally though, you have a fair share of love and care. Growing up in an atmosphere filled only with selfless love, care and the right culture & tradition, the world around seems magical. At least, I did feel so back then. A whole bunch of people to obey your stupid wishes and love you no less no matter what. An era where everything was within reach.
Impossible, reality, situations.. all these things didn't make any sense at all. All I knew was a world full of happiness and fulfillment.
When eating spinach had only one reason.
Popoeye, The Sailor Man.
What the mind interpreted was this- Popoeye eats spinach
and gets a bump on his hand instantly.
So should I.
Viola! Mother is happy that no matter
how stupid your reason was, you were eating it.

When the first day at kindergarten was no less miserable than being fried in a hot pan of boiling ferocious oil
Yes, of such great magnitude. When you are reluctantly dressed up
in the brand new uniform with a backpack that is probably bigger
than your very own height. And then you finally reach that dreary
place. Your first school. A sight of which sent a shiver down your spine. A place that took you away from your parents
You cry, you scream, you cough, you throw up and do all the things in the world that you could probably do to convince mom and dad to take you back home. Nothing happens. An unknown human comes up to you, bribes you with chocolates and toys and all sorts of attractive stuff. You stop for a moment. Fair deal it seems? No. No. No. Never. Not to risk. You go back to your agenda again. The throat goes dry and weary. Still, no improvement. You are destined to go into that hot pan of boiling ferocious oil. The unknown human takes you in. That's the end of it. A new world. A plethora of your own kind everywhere. Crying, coughing, throwing up and the unknown humans trying to persuade and console them all. The day goes by. I do not remember what happens after that. Finally, hopes have been restored. You catch a glimpse your parents. FINALLY. Ah! What a treat to the eyes. You have been spared of the hot pan of oil back to your own sweet chocolate factory filled with the best people in the world. What a relief!
Time goes by..
Next is the stage wherein having a pen-pencil is a must because every other classmate has one. You need it then and there. Doesn't matter if it's 10 or 12 in the night. You need it. End of the story. Yeah, this, a peculiar characteristic of a first child. Being adamant. Because deep down, you know you're going to get it.
Next dad takes off to fulfill your utmost desire. Sneaking in every possible lane where he could find a pen-pencil at that hour of the night.
My daddy best-est.
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