Saturday, 19 April 2014

Transition from Daddy's girl to Mommy's girl.

No, not that transition. I'm done with chemistry for life.
This transition is of a first child, correction, spoiled-overly pampered-first child. That's right. It's me.

So, there comes a point in life when you are no longer are a little kid because you have gone around the Sun for nearly two decades and are an adult officially. Being a first child & the only girl child in your maternal family, you surely have a share of heavy pampering, love, affection and protective atmosphere. Everything is made easy for you and you are taken care of with utmost pleasure.

Then, you grow up. But still remain a little kid from within. You still enjoy having great length conversations with daddy best-est. It is generally said, Girls are always daddy's love and boys mommy's dearies. Yes. That's so true.

Then one fine day, you are wandering on the terrace with  your mother, admiring the clouds piled up that could pour down any second, and trust me, it is a treat to the eyes when you have been literally fried up by the terrifying summer. Savoring your cup of filter COFFEE. Yes, coffeeeeeeee. Always brings a smile, a huge one.

And then mother speaks. Beating around the bush, trying to sound just normal and still trying to make an effective impact. She slowly starts.
18.19..20..22.. these age groups you know. Transition phase you know. Wanting experience and change.
No you know this time. Meanwhile we figure out what the matter is all about. Okay, you can stop blushing now. Haha.
She continues, It happens you know.. Happens to everyone.. Normal stuff.. But..
There, you know what is going to come next.
 You feel the need to assure her that you are just fine and there is no problem. Apparently with context to love, relationships, etc. She doesn't want you to take her wrong.
She comes back, No..  not saying you will do something.. but it generally happens.. so, do not get distracted you know.. I know you won't.. But you know.. and a many more you know(s).

You calm her down. You assure her that you know your responsibilities and won't get distracted what so ever.  There isn't a need to get distracted when you have a family that loves you so much, that admires and respects every decision you take and allows you to explore with the right amount of freedom. Indeed, I am very lucky. I could never regret anything, because at some point of time, that was exactly what I wanted.

When you have a best friend in your parents, an overly protective family and wonderful friends, what more do you ask for? Of course, there are ups and downs, but what really matters is having people with you. I'm glad, I do.

You realize, you accumulate all your thoughts and analyze all that you have been offered with. Life is beautiful. Just explode and explore and most importantly be good. Somethings are best shared with mom and a few others with dad. Being a first child is so very overwhelming.
Beautiful dreams. Beautiful life. Everything is going to be just fine. Thank you. To everyone and everything that was, is and going to be. 

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