I find myself absolutely awed by the moments in between.
The moment in between one moment and the other.
The evening,
Between day and night.
The breeze,
Between sweat and sun.
The wave,
Between sea and shore.
The split second,
Between departing and holding on.
This beautiful fuzzy yet fragile white, grabbed my attention like no other that evening. Blow at it and make a wish, is what the stories and movies said. However, looks like, they altogether have a different plan. To teach me how beautiful the in-between(s) are.
The moment, the breeze out of nowhere tickled this little marvel in my balcony; Out flew parts of it. A few holding on tight against the raging breeze against its soft structure. A few, shooting right through to land on the adjacent leaves, mud and ground. A few, tangling with my hair and dress. How incredible is it that they all originate from the same fuzzy ball, yes, I think I like to call it this way. And yet, so different in their mannerisms. Like us humans, isn't it? In between, is beautiful.
The in between(s) nudge me to question.
Like in the picture,
Is it the moment it let go?
Is it the moment it holds on?
Is it this or that?
Maybe, everything in between. :)
© Deekshita Srinivas
( drenched in carnatic music, ready to go ahead with the final step of a dream that is so immense, in between calm and sound.)
Early this time as well.
Maybe I've made peace with the demons in my mind.
20:22 pm.